BFF-37 UN envoy meets south Yemen separatist head after uprising call





UN envoy meets south Yemen separatist head after uprising call

ABU DHABI, Oct 4, 2018 (BSS/AFP) – UN envoy Martin Griffiths held talks
Thursday with the head of Yemen’s southern separatist movement, which has
called for an “peaceful uprising” against President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi in
the war-torn country.

Aidarous al-Zoubeidi and Griffiths met in Abu Dhabi for talks on “the UN
envoy’s efforts to revive (peace) talks and the participation of the Southern
Transitional Council in future negotiations”, his STC movement said in a

The STC, based in the government bastion of Aden and which has a
representative branch in Washington, has accused Hadi’s government of
negligence and corruption.

On Wednesday, it called for a “peaceful, popular uprising” against the
Hadi government.

The STC, which calls for the reinstatement of an independent south Yemen,
has gained traction in its push for self-rule over the past year.

Allied with army troops trained by the United Arab Emirates, the
separatists in January seized control of parts of Aden province.

Last month, UN-led peace talks failed to take off after Shiite Huthi
rebels refused to fly to Geneva over what they said was the UN’s failure to
guarantee a safe return to the capital Sanaa, which the group has controlled
since 2014.

Griffiths is pushing for another round of talks between the Saudi-backed
government and the northern-based Huthi rebels linked to Iran.

Nearly 10,000 people have been killed in Yemen since 2015, when Saudi
Arabia and its allies joined the government’s war with the Huthis.

The war has triggered what the UN calls the world’s worst humanitarian
crisis, with more than three-quarters of Yemen’s population needing aid and
8.4 million people at risk of famine.

Southern Yemen is home to both the Hadi government and separatists, whose
alliance against the Huthis has become increasingly fraught.

North and south Yemen were independent states until their unification in

BSS/AFP/RY/1718 hrs