BSS-16 RMP launches e-trafficking prosecution process




RMP-E-TRAFFICKING (with picture)

RMP launches e-trafficking prosecution process

RAJSHAHI, Sept 24, 2018 (BSS)- Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) today
launched its e-trafficking prosecution process programme here so that traffic
rules violators can easily deposit their money of penalty.

RMP introduced the modern system formally at a meeting held at Shaheed
AHM Kamaruzzaman crossing under Boalia Police Station in the city.

RMP Commissioner AKM Hafiz Akter, its Additional Commissioner Sujayet
Islam, Deputy Commissioners Tanveer Haider Chowdhury, Ameer Jafar, Hemayet
Ullah, Anirban Chakma and Saiful Islam, and Senior Assistant Commissioner
Ifte Khayer Alam were present at the meeting.

Speaking on the occasion, RMP Commissioner Hafiz Akter said the clients
will be able to deposit their money of penalty easily through the new system.
In this field, he said, their sufferings will be reduced to a greater extent.

He clarified that the clients can deposit their fined money at 25 points
of UCB Bank after recording cases relating to traffic rules and regulations
violation through e-trafficking prosecution.

“They can also deposit money through U-cash of the bank from 9 am to 12

The RMP Commissioner said various measures were taken to restore a sound
system in traffic management.

He said 26 speed breakers were set up at 13 points on busy streets in
front of the city’s educational institutions aiming to avoid road accidents.

Terming the roads in front of the educational institutions as very risky
and accident-prone, Hafiz said the initiative is helping avert road accidents
in front of the city’s educational institutions.

BSS/AH/MRI/1630 hrs