BFF-38 Vatican announces historic China accord to appoint bishops





Vatican announces historic China accord to appoint bishops

VILNIUS, Sept 22, 2018 (BSS/AFP) – The Vatican announced Saturday it had reached an

historic accord with China on the appointment of bishops in the Communist country

which has so far named its own officials to a sole Beijing-recognised Catholic


The agreement follows “a gradual and reciprocal rapprochement (and) has been

agreed following a long process of careful negotiation and foresees the possibility

of periodic reviews of its application,” the Vatican said in a statement issued as

Pope Francis visits the Baltic states.

“It concerns the nomination of Bishops, a question of great importance for the life

of the Church, and creates the conditions for greater collaboration at the

bilateral level,” it added.

Vatican spokesman Greg Burke played down any suggestion that the accord could have

wider political implications, even though it marks a breakthrough on an issue which

has bedevilled relations with China for years.

The agreement “is not political but pastoral, allowing the faithful to have

bishops who are in communion with Rome but at the same time recognised by Chinese

authorities,” he said in Vilnius.

The announcement had been expected amid speculation that it could lead to a

normalisation of ties between the Vatican and Beijing, possibly at the expense of


The Vatican is one of only 17 countries around the world that recognises Taipei

instead of Beijing but Pope Francis has sought to improve ties with China since he

took office in 2013.

Hong Kong’s Catholic press reported earlier this month that a new round of Sino-

Vatican negotiations was expected to be held in September and a deal could be

signed in October.

There are an estimated 12 million Catholics in China, divided between a

government-run association whose clergy are chosen by the Communist Party, and an

unofficial church which swears allegiance to the Vatican.

The Vatican has not had diplomatic relations with Beijing since 1951, two years

after the founding of the communist People’s Republic.

Previous attempts to restore ties have floundered over Beijing’s insistence that

the Vatican must give up recognition of its rival Taiwan and promise not to

interfere in religious issues in China.

BSS/AFP/AU/16:55 hrs