BCN-17 US seeking new trade talks with China: WSJ





US seeking new trade talks with China: WSJ

WASHINGTON, Sept 13, 2018 (BSS/AFP) – Washington has proposed a fresh
round of trade talks with Beijing to tackle problems before the Trump
administration slaps more tariffs on Chinese imports, the Wall Street Journal
said Wednesday.

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin recently sent an invitation to
Chinese officials proposing a bilateral meeting at ministerial level, the
daily reported.

Such a meeting could take place in Washington or Beijing, according to
informed sources.

There was no immediate reaction by the US Treasury department to the

The escalating trade spat between Washington and Beijing has generated
turbulence in global markets.

Trump has already imposed 25-percent customs duties on $50 billion worth
of Chinese goods, triggering a tit-for-tat response from Beijing.

He vowed last week to increase tariffs to hit an additional $200 billion
in Chinese imports “very soon” unless China agreed to steps that would reduce
its massive trade surplus.