BFF-36 Alex Salmond stuns Scottish politics with SNP resignation





Alex Salmond stuns Scottish politics with SNP resignation

LONDON, Aug 30, 2018 (BSS/AFP) – Scotland was reeling Thursday after Alex
Salmond’s shock resignation from the Scottish National Party following
allegations of sexual misconduct against the staunch nationalist who nearly
led Scotland to independence in 2014.

Announced late Wednesday, the surprise move came after it emerged last week
police were investigating two harassment allegations raised in January
against the former first minister.

He has fiercely denied the claims, which date back to 2013 when he was in
office and is taking legal action against the Scottish Government over the
complaints process against him.

In a video message posted on social media late Wednesday, Salmond said he
was quitting the SNP to prevent “substantial internal division” and attacks
from rival political parties.

“I did not come into politics to facilitate opposition attacks on the SNP
and, with parliament returning next week, I have tendered my resignation to
remove this line of opposition attack,” he said.

“Most of all I am conscious that if the party felt forced into suspending
me it would cause substantial internal division.”

First Minister and SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon had come under pressure in
recent days to suspend Salmond, her political mentor over three decades.

Following his announcement, she said she felt “a huge sadness about this
whole situation”.

“While the decision to resign has been Alex’s alone, I understand why he
has chosen to separate the current questions he is facing from the day-to-day
business of the SNP and the ongoing campaign for independence,” Sturgeon

She defended her government’s probe into the allegations, arguing they
“could not be ignored or swept under the carpet.”

“Complaints must be investigated without fear or favour, regardless of the
seniority of the person involved,” she said.

– ‘Unprecedented situation’ –

Police Scotland confirmed last week it had received complaints that five
years ago, Salmond had sexually harassed two staff members at Edinburgh’s
Bute House, the first minister’s official residence.

The case was referred to the police following an internal probe by
Scottish government officials.

But Salmond claims the officials acted “unlawfully” by raising the
complaint over three years after he left office, filing a legal challenge at
an Edinburgh court on Tuesday.

The government has said it will “defend its position vigorously”.

Alongside his resignation, Salmond also launched of a crowdfunding campaign
to help with the legal costs.

By Thursday morning, the campaign had raised more than œ60,000
($78,000/66,800 euros)– exceeding the œ50,000 target.

Opposition parties attacked the fundraising as “astonishing” and

“Scotland now faces the incredible and unprecedented situation of its most
famous former first minister appealing to SNP supporters for cash to take
legal action against the government he used to run,” a spokesman for the
Scottish Conservatives said.

Salmond said he intended to reapply for SNP membership “just as soon as I
have had the opportunity to clear my name”.

“I hope that is by the end of this year,” he added.

BSS/AFP/RY/1535 hrs