2 Hamas militants killed by Israeli artillery fire in Gaza


GAZA, Aug 7, 2018 (BSS/Xinhua) – Two Palestinian militants belonging to
Islamic Hamas movement were killed Tuesday by Israeli artillery fire in
northern Gaza Strip, according to Hamas’s military wing, al-Qassam Brigades.

Qassam identified the two militants as Ahmed Murjan and Abdul Hafiz al-
Selawy from the Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza.

Meanwhile, security sources said that the Israeli army artillery targeted
an observation point used by Qassam militants in northern Gaza Strip, killing
two of the Brigades’ activists.

Israel has not commented on the attack yet. However, Israeli media
reported that an Israeli force came under fire near the borderline in
northern Gaza.

Tension in Gaza has been high since the Palestinians launched massive
anti-Israel rallies in March, known as “the Great March of Return,” which
demanded the lift of the blockade Israel has imposed on Gaza since 2007.

About 158 Palestinians have been killed and more than 17,000 others
injured by Israeli gunfire during the rallies which peak every Friday.

There have been reports about talks between Palestinian factions, Egypt,
the United Nations and Israel to reach a long-term truce in the besieged

A high level delegation from Hamas has also arrived in Gaza Strip on
Thursday after talks with Egyptian officials.