

The prime minister said the public administration should be freed from so
called ‘red tape’ culture. Though ‘red tape’ is not used nowadays, but its
‘cruel treatment’ remains, she said, adding that this cruelty must be

“No file on the table of an officer should remain pending, or no project
should be taken which would cause useless expenditure of the government,” she

Public administration officials must find out the project which would bear
much benefit for the people and help give a better life to posterity, the
premier said.

Pointing out the overall development of the country, Sheikh Hasina said her
government has already started making the future plans for infrastructural
development of capital and other cities.

“In future, we have plans to put in place a transport system including
high-speedy train services for quick communication between Dhaka and other
cities,” she said.

In addition, she also said we have a plan to introduce a ring road
surrounding Dhaka and speedy commuting services to facilitate people to
travel to the city from outskirts quickly and conveniently.

Every airport of the country would be built as an international one, she
said, adding that Cox’s Bazar airport would be turned into a refueling
aerodrome while other airports would be modernized.

Sheikh Hasina said her government has undertaken a plan to set up 100
Special Economic Zones aimed at creating massive employment opportunities and
save agricultural lands.

Every village would be turned into an urban area while agricultural land,
forests, environment and ecology should be protected, she continued.

Sheikh Hasina said a 100-year Delta Plan has been signed with Netherlands
envisaging future development plan of the riverine Bangladesh.

The prime minister thanked the government officials for their sincere
efforts to make Bangladesh a developing country from the status of a least
developed one within a very short time, overcoming all barriers.

Progress of Bangladesh was hampered repeatedly due to natural and man-made
disasters. But, Bangladesh would be able to continue its present course of
development on the way to be a developed nation by 2041, she hoped.

BSS/AKH/GMR/1426 hrs