15,000 people get food assistance in Cumilla


CUMILLA, May 21, 2021 (BSS) – A total of 15,000 COVID-19 pandemic affected unemployed, poor and helpless people in 13 unions of the Chandina upazila of the district received food assistance as a gift from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today.

Former deputy speaker Professor Md. Ali Ashraf, MP, distributed the aid to the unemployed, poor and helpless people as the chief guest at the Upazila Parishad auditorium this morning abiding by the health directives.

Upazila Parishad Chairman freedom fighter Tapan Bakshi, Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Vibhishan Kanti Das, Chandina Municipality Mayor Shawkat Hossain Bhuiyan, among other, were present on the occasion.

Ali Ashraf said the district administration provided the food assistance from the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s relief fund and as a part of the government’s instant humanitarian support.

“The government has stood beside jobless, destitute, unemployed and helpless people with the gift of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina during the epidemic situation,” he added.

Under the programme, each of 15,000 unemployed, poor and helpless peoples was given food items as a gift from the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Upazila Project Implementation Officer (PIO) Mohammad Mazharul Islam told BSS.

Mask and soap were also distributed free of cost among the people.