BSS-32 COVID-19 situation in Bangladesh largely under control: Maleque





COVID-19 situation in Bangladesh largely under control: Maleque

DHAKA, May 17, 2021 (BSS) – Health and Family Welfare Minister Zahid Maleque today said coronavirus situation in Bangladesh is largely under control as the government is taking correct measures to halt the deadly virus.

“Both infection and fatality rate are gradually decreasing in the country due to timely and effective measures taken by the government,” he told a meeting at his ministry here, an official release said.

Referring to the devastating situation of COVID-19 in India, he said on an average 4,000 people in India are dying every day infecting new variant of the lethal virus while three to four lakh people are being infected by the virus daily.

“New Indian variant has also affected badly Nepal… terrible situation has created there (Nepal) due to emergence of Indian new COVID-19 variant,” the health minister added.

Recently, new cases of Indian variant are found in Bangladesh, he said adding, the Indian COVID-19 variant could not spread in the country as “We have been able to identify the people, who were infected by Indian new COVID-19 variant and they have been kept in isolation”

BSS/PR/MMR/IJ/1905 hrs