BSS-18 Four remanded over gangrape of 2 girls in Keraniganj





Four remanded over gangrape of 2 girls in Keraniganj

DHAKA, May 09, 2021 (BSS) – A Dhaka court today placed four people on three-day remand each in a case lodged over gang rape of two young girls in suburban Keraniganj on Friday.

Dhaka Senior Chief Judicial Magistrate Begum Mishkat Shukrana passed the order as police produced Ashik, Opu, Rifat and Fahim before the court and pleaded to place them on seven-day remand.

According to the case documents, the two girls, 17 and 18, went shopping at a mall in Abdullahpur area in Keraniganj on the evening of May 7. There they met one of the girls’ boyfriend Ashik, who took them to a secluded place in the nearby Rajabari area.

There Ashik and his eight friends raped the two girls repeatedly. As the criminals freed them, the girls reached their homes at around 10pm and revealed their ordeals to their parents.

The victims’ families later filed two cases with South Keraniganj Police Station against nine persons.

BSS/cor/MHR/QC/1640 hrs