BSS-34 COVID-19 positive cases reach 31,318 in Khulna, 27,929 cured





COVID-19 positive cases reach 31,318 in Khulna, 27,929 cured

KHULNA, May 2, 2021 (BSS) – With detection of 39 new more positive cases in the past 24-hour, the total number of COVID-19 infected patients in the division now reached 31,318, said a COVID-19 quarantine and isolation related daily report today.

“We received 156 samples in Khulna Medical College Hospital (KMC) and other samples in Jashore and Kushtia laboratories in the last 24 hours till this noon and 39 persons have been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection,” Assistant Director (Health) of Khulna division Dr. Ferdousi Akhter told BSS this noon.

The health officials said among the newly detected 39 COVID-19 patients 20 are in Khulna, 15 in Bagerhat and four in Kushtia districts in the division.

They said the district-wise break-up of the COVID-19 patients now stood at 9,147 in Khulna, 6,334 in Jashore, 4,622 in Kushtia, , 2,766, in Jhenaidah,1,864 in Chuadanga, 1,811 in Narail, 1275 in Satkhira, 1,377 in Bagerhat, 1,221 in Magura and 901 in Meherpur districts.

Dr Ferdousi said the whereabouts of the persons, who came in contact with COVID-19 patients, were brought to notice and they were asked to remain in home isolation so that the virus cannot help spread transmission further.

Meanwhile, a total of 27,929 have cured from coronavirus infections as 107 more people were discharged from the Dedicated Corona Isolation Hospitals after their recovery in all 10 districts of the division in the last 24 hours.

“The recovery rate among the total 31,318 coronavirus infected patients now stands at 89.18 percent in the division,” she said.

“Among the total 31,318 coronavirus infected persons, 3,900 are undergoing treatment at isolation units of different hospitals as 27,929 have recovered and 578 died while the rest are undergoing treatment in isolation at their respective homes in the division”, she said.

With the three more death the total number of fatalities now reached 578 in the division.

The district wise death toll recorded as 151 in Khulna, 107 in Kushtia, 73 in Jashore, 51 in Chuadanga, 52 in Jhenidah, 44 in Satkhira, 34 in Bagerhat, 24 in Narail, 23 in Magura and 19 in Meherpur districts.

She said a total of 74,655 people were put in quarantines since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in Khulna division.

Among the total quarantined people, 73,855 have so far been released and 61,804 are now remaining in home or institutional quarantines in the division.

Dr. Ferdousi specially urged the people in abiding by the health directives of the government to prevent community transmission of COVID-19 in the division.