BSS-08 Call to enhance cultural practice to make society beautiful





Call to enhance cultural practice to make society beautiful

RAJSHAHI, July 21, 2018 (BSS)-Speakers at a function here have underscored
the need for boosting cultural practice to make society beautiful through
eradicating all sorts of crimes.

They viewed a successful promotion of cultural message could be vital
means of keeping the young generation away from various unsocial activities.

They were addressing the inaugural ceremony of a two-day cultural
festival- 2018 in the auditorium of Employees Welfare Board in the city on
Friday evening.

The district administration organized the festival where more than 182
cultural activists representing 25 institutions including Bangladesh Shishu
Academy, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy and Rajshahi Divisional Ethnic
Minority Cultural Academy joined the event.

Commissioner of Rajshahi division Nur-Ur-Rahman addressed the ceremony as
chief guest with Deputy Commissioner SM Abdul Kader in the chair.

Additional Deputy Commissioners Md Shalahuddin, Abdul Baset and Nasima
Khatun also spoke.

Nur-Ur-Rahman says an enhanced nurturing of cultural activities, involving
the young generations, against corruption can create public awareness to
launch an effective movement against the social crimes to free the nation
from the severe curse.

He laid importance on launching a social movement with a changed mindset
through healthier cultural activities as well as adopting all other possible
means to create mass public awareness in building a corruption-free

Contribution of the cultural personalities is very significant to the
nation-building activities. He told the audience that the present government
has been working relentlessly to this end.

The participants performed short dance dramas and recitals synchronised
with songs, featuring the life and culture of public in general including the
indigenous people.

The history of the liberation war was also a recurrent theme in their

BSS/AH/AKM 1210hrs