11 die, 171 more test positive for Covid-19 in Ctg


CHATTOGRAM, April 25, 2021 (BSS) – A total of 11 COVID-19 patients died in the last 24 hours increasing the death toll from the pandemic to 497 in the district.

This is the highest death in a single day in the district since the onset of corona pandemic in the country, said Dr Sheikh Fazle Rabbi, civil surgeon of Chattogram.

“Among the reported fatalities, 370 were the residents of the port city and the rest 127 were from different upazilas of the district,” the civil surgeon said adding that the number of COVID-19 cases speedily rose to 48,887 in the district where the infection and causality rate continues rising hurriedly again in recent weeks.

A total of 171 people have been tested positive for coronavirus after testing 1,330 samples in the last 24 hours at seven COVID-19 laboratories in the district.

According to the hospital sources, the infection rate is 12.86 percent during the period.

Among the infection patients 141 are from Chattogram city and 30 from different upazilas of the district, the sources added.

“The infection rate is showing a quickly rising trend again and recovery rate declining continuously in the district in recent weeks,” Dr Rabbi said.

Among the total 48,887 coronavirus infected people, 39,241 are the residents of the port city and the rest 9,646 are the inhabitants of different upazilas of the district.

“The number of cured patients from the lethal virus infection has reached 36,162 in the district with the recovery of 103 more patients on Saturday,” the health official said, adding that the percentage of recovery rate stands at 73.98.

A total of 1,495 infected patients are now undergoing treatment at designated hospitals here, he mentioned.