BSS-33 Mirza Abbas exposes truth over Ilias Ali’s disappearance :Bahauddin Nasim





Mirza Abbas exposes truth over Ilias Ali’s disappearance :Bahauddin Nasim

DHAKA, April 18, 2021 (BSS) – Awami League (AL) Joint General Secretary AFM Bahauddin Nasim today said the statement of BNP Standing Committee Member Mirza Abbas has exposed the horrible truth against BNP’s prolonged falsifying about the disappearance of Ilias Ali.

“BNP standing committee member Mirza Abbas on April 17 said that some leaders inside the BNP were involved with the disappearance of Ilyas Ali. This statement has exposed the horrible form of BNP’s prolonged lie,” he said.

He came up with the remarks while inaugurating the free Tele-health service of the Swechasebak League for providing help to the people during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Nasim said that the real truth of BNP’s lies have been exposed as the leaders of BNP repeatedly made false allegations that the government abducted Ilias Ali.

The truth (about the disappearance of Ilias Ali) has been revealed by BNP standing committee member Mirza Abbas, he said, adding that those involved in spreading falsehood in this regard should be brought to book.

About the BNP leaders, he said that they have lied in different places in the country and abroad about the disappearance of Ilias Ali .

He said anti-liberation forces are doing ill-politics by inciting the people misusing religion as they want to destabilize the country through communal forces.

Bangladesh Swechchhasebak League President Nirmal Ranjan Guha presided over the function while the party’s general secretary Afzal Babu conducted it.

Swechchhasebak League organizing secretary AFM Mahbubul Hasan and other central and city-unit leaders of Swechchhasebak League were also present there.