27 more test positive for COVID-19 in Bhola


BHOLA, April 13, 2021 (BSS) – A total of 27 people were tested for Covid-19 positive in the last 24 hours after testing 79 samples at Bhola 250-bed General Hospital COVID-19 laboratories here.

Of the total, 23 are in Sadar upazila, one in Daulatkhan, two in Borhanuddin upazila and one in Charfashion upazila of the district.

Meanwhile, two patients died from COVID-19 in the last 24 hours in the district, civil surgeon of the district Dr Syed Rezaul Islam told BSS.

The total number of infected people in the district stood at 1,416 while the number of recovery cases at 1,028, the civil surgeon said.

The health experts of the district urged all to follow the health rules strictly and use masks to prevent the spread of the new wave of the lethal virus.

Dr Syed Rezaul Islam said 28 infected persons are now undergoing treatment at Bhola 250-bed General Hospital and Tajumuddin upazila health complex, rest of the infected persons are now undergoing treatment at home under the supervision of doctors from their respective upazila health complexes.

He urged everyone to be more aware to prevent this infection.