BSS-51 Hefazat spearheads hate campaign with political motive: Maizbhandar imam





Hefazat spearheads hate campaign with political motive: Maizbhandar imam

DHAKA, April 8, 2021 (BSS) – Incumbent leader of the Islamic
spiritual hub of Maizbhandar Syed Saifuddin Ahmed Maizbhandari today
feared the extremist Hefazat-e-Islam appeared as a threat to the
country’s stability as it was spearheading a violent hate campaign
with an evil political motive despite being a non-political forum.

“Hefazat alongside Jamaat-e-Islam appeared as a threat to
Bangladesh’s stability,” he said in a statement referring to the
violence in parts of the country while the country was celebrating the
golden jubilee of the 1971 independence.

He said the violence could in no way be the answer to any injustice
reminding all Islam’s spiritual essence of peace and compassion and
added that efforts to create instability was worse than killing

Ahmed particularly criticized the Hefazat activities during Indian
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit and asked “what loss Modi
incurred and what Bangladesh gained by their actions”.

“The holy Prophet (PBUH) preached for compassion, tolerance and
generosity. So a Muslim can never walk in the path of terrorism and
destruction,” he said.
