BSS-39 Eight more ICU beds set up at CGH in Ctg





Eight more ICU beds set up at CGH in Ctg

CHATTOGRAM, April 8, 2021 (BSS) – Eight more ICU beds have been set
up at Chattogram General Hospital (CGH) today raising the number of
ICU bed in the government general hospital to 18.

Deputy Education Minister Barrister Mahibul Hasan Chowdhury Nawfel
inaugurated the newly added eight ICU beds at the hospital this noon.

Speaking on the occasion, he said that a total of 18 ICU beds have
been set up in Chattogram General Hospital and there was no ICU bed
before Corona pandemic in Chattogram last year.

This has been made possible by the dedicated efforts of
Bangabandhu’s daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The General
Hospital has now been transformed into a self-sufficient specialized
Covid Hospital in Chattogram,” he added.

The Corona patients are now being admitted to almost all private
hospitals in Chattogram, he said. He also urged the city dwellers to
use masks to stay safe from the Corona virus.

Divisional Director (Health) Dr. Hasan Shahriar Kabir presided over
the inaugural ceremony, while Chief Health Officer of Chattogram City
Corporation (CCC) Dr Selim Akhtar Chowdhury, head of the Department of
Medicine Dr. Abdur Rob, field hospital director Dr Biddut Barua and
Assistant Civil Surgeon Dr. Asif Khan, among others, addressed the
