Govt issues health guidelines for offering prayers at mosques


DHAKA, April 5, 2021 (BSS) – In line with the government’s seven-day stricter measures (lockdown) to contain the spread of the global pandemic COVID-19, the Religious Affairs Ministry has issued a 10-point guideline for offering prayers in congregation at mosques across the country.

The ministry issued a notification on Sunday in this regard coinciding with the Prime Minister’s Office’s 18-point directive issued on March 29 and Cabinet Division‘s 11-point guideline issued yesterday to stem the alarming spread of the coronavirus, said an official handout here today.

The guidelines for the mosques included:

1.The mosques must have arrangements for hand washing with soap and using hand sanitizer at the entrances and the musullis (devotees) must use face masks.

2.Every devotee should come to mosque after making “Oju (ablution)” and performing Sunnah prayers at their homes. The devotees should wash their hands for 20 seconds while performing the ‘Oju’.

3.Carpets should not be laid on the floor of the mosques. The mosques should be disinfected before every prayer and the devotees should bring their respective prayer mats.

4.The devotees should stand on the queue maintaining social distancing.

5.Children, elderly and sick people and those who are nursing the ailing people should refrain from joining congregation at mosques.

6.To stop the spread of the deadly virus, there should have arrangement for soap and hand sanitizer at the place of performing ‘Oju (ablution)’ at mosques and none should use the prayer mats and caps kept in the mosques.

7.To ensure the security for the common people, all should follow the guidelines of health services division, local administrations and law enforcement agencies.

8.Arrangements for Iftar and Sehri will not be allowed in the mosques.

9.The Khatibs and Imams should offer prayers to the Almighty Allah for protecting from the global pandemic coronavirus.

10.Khatibs, Imams and mosque management committees of the concerned mosques will ensure the implementation of the directives.

According to the notification, the local administrations and law enforcement agencies will take legal actions against people responsible for violating the directives.

Local administrations, law enforcement agencies, officials of the Islamic Foundation and mosque management committees of the concerned mosques have been requested to implement the guidelines.

Besides, the seven-day stricter enforcement (lockdown) began today suspending all kind of public transport services and allowing all government, autonomous and private offices to remain open for conducting emergency works with limited manpower and own transportation services to tackle the rising trend of global pandemic COVID-19.

The enforcement will remain effective till April 11.