BCN-36 Maldives Traders Union hails President Yameen’s economic policies





Maldives Traders Union hails President Yameen’s economic policies

MALE, July 18, 2018 (BSS/Xinhua) – The Maldives Traders Union have hailed
President Abdulla Yameen’s economic policies, stating it was the best among
the candidates in the upcoming Presidential Elections, local media reported

President of the Union, Imail Asif, said they recognized that President
Yameen had the best economic policies based on the policies being used

Asif also praised the economic policies of Yameen’s political party, the
Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

He further explained that trade should not be focused on one specific
neighboring country but should be expanded with all countries as this would
be more beneficial to the island country.

Asif further said the opposition presidential candidates had put forward
unfriendly economic policies whilst some opposition leaders had also tweeted
threats to take action against the Maldives, which would have a negative
impact on trade.

Asif further said that while Maldivian politics was focused on democracy
more than the economy, but this was not an age where any country could just
stop at democracy.

He said instead of promising democracy in the Presidential election win,
economic policies were also important to be shown on the manifesto.

The Maldives will hold its Presidential Election on Sept. 23.