BNP takes ill-tactics to halt country’s progress: Quader


DHAKA, April 1, 2021 (BSS) – Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader today said BNP has taken ill-tactics to halt the country’s progress and is continuously making falsehood without joining the pace of the country’s advancement.

“BNP is standing against the state in the name of opposing the Sheikh Hasina’s government…now people do not believe in the statements of BNP,” he told a press conference on contemporary issues at his official residence here.

Quader, also the road transport and bridges minister, said the government is putting the country’s democracy forward by overcoming various ups and downs and a concerted effort are needed to make the democracy meaningful.

“But BNP is wrecking the every step of establishing democratic values through its by-nature negative politics,” he said.

Responding to an allegation of BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, the AL general secretary said BNP established the reign of repression here in disguise of political mask.

“In fact, BNP carried out torture and oppression on people in the name of movement by causing loss to their lives and properties,” he said.

BNP along with the anti-liberation forces is trying to create anarchy again in the country, Quader said, adding that no party can go to power through such ill-efforts.

About adjustment of fares of public transport amid the ongoing coronavious crisis, he said there are allegations that many transport owners are charging extra fares from passengers without following the government directives.

Urging transport owners and workers to operate their busses following the health guidelines and the government directives, the road transport minister said the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority and the law enforcing agencies have been instructed to take stern legal action against the transports failing to the government directives.

He said all should remain alert so that mass transport cannot be a field of coronavious infection again.