107 more test positive for Covid-19 in Rajshahi division


RAJSHAHI, March 29, 2021(BSS)- A total of 107 more people have tested
positive for COVID-19 in seven districts under Rajshahi division in the last
24 hours till Sunday evening, climbing the number of infections to 26,599.

However, the new daily infection figure shows a significant high compared
to the previous day’s figure of 48, said the health department sources.

“Among the infected patients, 24,732 have, so far, been cured from the
lethal virus with 27 new recoveries during the time,” the sources said,
adding that a total of 3,074 infected patients are now undergoing treatment
at designated hospitals here.

Besides, all the positive cases for COVID-19 have, so far, been brought
under necessary treatment while 6,717 were kept in isolation units of
hospitals for institutional supervision.

Of them, 6,020 have by now been released. On the other hand, 81 more
people have been sent to home and institutional quarantine afresh while 33
others were released in the division over the last 24 hours till 8 am today.

The number of deaths from the disease stands at 408 including 260 in
Bogura and 56 in Rajshahi with six more fatalities reported afresh today,
said Dr Habibul Ahsan Talukder, Divisional Director of Health.

Of the total new positive cases, the highest 50 were detected in Bogura,
followed by 27 in Rajshahi including 26 in its city, 14 in Pabna, 11 in
Natore, three in Sirajganj and one each in Naogaon and Joypurhat districts.

With the new detected cases, the district-wise break-up of the COVID-19
cases now stands at 6,418 in Rajshahi including 4,906 in its city, 834 in
Chapainawabganj, 1,687 in Naogaon, 1,297 in Natore, 1,390 in Joypurhat,
10,328 in Bogura, 2,851 in Sirajganj and 1,794 in Pabna.

A total of 66,888 people have, so far, been kept under quarantine since
March 10 last year to prevent community transmission of the coronavirus

Of them, 65,734 have, by now, been released as they were given clearance
certificates after completing their respective 14-day quarantine period.

On the other hand, a total of 5,83,209 people have been vaccinated for
Covid-19 in all eight districts of Rajshahi division till Sunday last since
the countrywide vaccination programme began on February 7.

Of them, 8,090 people including 3,730 females were inoculated on Sunday,
said Dr Habibul Ahsan Talukder.

He also said 1,653 people including 711 females received vaccines in
Rajshahi, 1,709 including 911 females in Chapainawabganj, 468 including 159
females in Natore, 471 including 208 females in Naogaon on Sunday.

Besides, a total of 563 people including 233 females got vaccines in
Pabna, 851 including 318 females in Sirajganj, 1,815 including 946 females in
Bogura, 290 including 123 females in Joypurhat and 270 including 121 females
in Rajshahi city on the day, he added.