Prime accused in Sunamganj attack on Hindu houses held


SUNAMGANJ, March 20, 2021 (BSS) – The Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) arrested Shahidul Islam Swadhin, the main accused in a case filed over an attack on the Hindu community in Sunamganj’s Shalla upazila, from Kulaura upazila in Moulvibazar district today.

Swadhin is a member of Union Parishad of Dirai upazila.

A total of 30 people have so far been arrested in the last two days over the attack. Police have sent them to a court.

On March 17, a total of 88 Hindu houses at Naogaon village in Shalla upazila were ransacked and looted allegedly by the supporters of Hefajet-e-Islam over Facebook row. Two cases were filed in this regard.

Swadhin was also accused in a case filed by the chairman of the local Habibpur Union Parishad the day after the attack. Shalla police arrested six more people on Friday night in connection with the incident.

Earlier on Thursday night, 22 people were arrested in a raid in different places and a total of 30 people were arrested in connection with the incident.

Officer-in-charge (OC) of Shalla Police Station Nazmul Haque confirmed it.

He said the 22 people arrested in the first phase of the attack and looting were produced in the court of Begum Israt Jahan of Sunamganj on Friday (March 19) at 7pm and the court ordered to send them to jail.