Hasan inaugurates ‘OIC Youth Capital Film Awards’


DHAKA, March 15, 2021 (BSS) – Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud today
inaugurated the international short films competition titled ‘OIC Youth
Capital Film Awards 2020-2021’ at the auditorium of Film Archive at Agargaon
in the capital.

The Ministry of Information organised the programme under the auspicious of
Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), an associate body of the Organization
of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), with the association of Ministry of Youth and
Sports and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the inaugural speech, Hasan, also Awami League joint general secretary,
said films are the reflection of life as films play pivotal role in building
the nation and increasing the communication across the globe.

State Minister for Youth and Sports Jahid Ahsan Rassel, State Minister for
Information Dr Md Murad Hasan and secretary of the youth and sports ministry
addressed the function as special guests with Information Secretary Khaja Miah
in the chair.

ICYF President Taha Aihan virtually joined the inaugural function.

The interested filmmakers can submit their short films from April 14
midnight to April 25 at the website www.oicyouthcapital.com/dhaka.

The final awards will be announced on May 20 where filmmakers aged between
18 and 35 from the countries of Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and South and
North America can take part.