HC for removing Al Jazeera report from online platforms


DHAKA, Feb 17, 2021 (BSS) – The High Court (HC) today ordered Bangladesh
Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) to remove a report titled “All
the Prime Minister’s Men” of Al Jazeera, a Qatar based news channel, from all
the online platforms in the country.

A High Court division virtual bench of Justice Md Mozibur Rahman Miah
and Justice Md Kamrul Hossain Mollah passed the order today after holding
hearing on a writ petition filed in this regard. The court disposed of the

“The court ordered to immediate remove the documentary from all the
online platforms. The court has asked to immediately execute the order. If
necessary BTRC should contact authorities of different online platforms,”
BTRC counsel Khandaker Reza-e-Rakib told newsmen.

Earlier on February 15, the court heard legal opinions of six amici
curiae (friends of court) on the matter.

Earlier on February 10, the High Court had appointed senior lawyers AJ
Mohammad Ali, Kamal Ul Alam, Abdul Matin Khasru, Fida M Kamal, Prabir Niyogi
and Dr Shahdin Malik as amici curiae in the case.

Supreme Court lawyer Md Enamul Kabir Emon filed the writ on February 8.
In the petition, the petitioner pleaded for High Court’s directive on the
authorities concerned to ban broadcast of Al Jazeera in the country and also
court’s order to remove the contents of Al Jazeera’s report titled “All the
Prime Minister’s Men” from all social media, including Facebook, YouTube, and

Officials concerned including Post and Telecommunications Secretary,
Information Secretary, Home Secretary, BTRC Chairman and Inspector General of
Police were made respondents in the writ.

Al Jazeera broadcasted the report on February 1. The government
dismissed the report, calling it “false and defamatory” and a desperate
“smear campaign” instigated by extremists and their allies, working in London
and elsewhere.