Tokyo 2020 chief to resign, but successor choice criticised


TOKYO, Feb 12, 2021 (BSS/AFP) – Tokyo 2020 chief Yoshiro Mori is expected
to resign Friday over a sexism row, but his apparently hand-picked successor
— an 84-year-old sports administrator — is already coming under fire.

Mori is expected to formally step down later Friday at a gathering called
by Olympic organisers to address his claims last week that women talk too
much in meetings.

The comments sparked a firestorm and are the latest headache for organisers
battling doubts about the virus-postponed Games with less than six months
until the opening ceremony.

Mori drew fire from figures including politicians and sports stars, and his
apology backfired after he appeared to defend his remarks and told reporters:
“I don’t speak to women much.”

Several hundred Olympic volunteers have withdrawn since the comments, which
prompted a barrage of complaint calls as well as a petition calling for
action against Mori that has gathered nearly 150,000 signatures.

But while the 83-year-old former prime minister now appears headed for the
exit, his reported choice for a successor, Saburo Kawabuchi, has raised

A year older than Mori, Kawabuchi is a long-time sports administrator and
former professional footballer who competed when Tokyo last hosted the
Olympics in 1964.

“Inside the organising committee, there are some voicing concern,” the
Asahi Shimbun newspaper reported.

“I don’t think an old man like him taking over will convince the public,”
it cited a source involved in organising the Games as saying.

“I think the meeting on Friday could see some debate,” the source added.

Kawabuchi is considered an able and well-connected administrator, and
currently serves in the symbolic role of mayor of the Olympic Village.

However, the appearance of Mori hand-picking his successor has reportedly
not gone down well.

“It makes no sense for a resigning chief to appoint his successor. There
are steps to this process. If this is allowed, there’s no point to even
having the meeting,” one Tokyo 2020 board member told the Mainichi Shimbun.

– Fresh headache for organisers –

Kawabuchi has said he wants Mori to remain a key adviser, adding further
cause for concern, the Mainchi said.

Mori “left a mechanism to maintain his influence by confirming his own
successor ahead of the emergency meeting on the 12th,” the paper wrote.

Olympic Minister Seiko Hashimoto told reporters Friday that “nothing has
been decided” on Mori’s successor.

“The organising committee will make a decision… while listening to
opinions from a range of people,” she said.

“It is desirable to go through a formal procedure.”

The row comes with organisers already facing public doubt about holding the
huge international event this summer.

Around 80 percent of Japanese polled in recent surveys back either a
further postponement or an outright cancellation.

Organisers have tried to quell the disquiet by releasing virus rulebooks
for athletes, officials and media, including restrictions on movement and
regular testing.

But with Tokyo and other parts of the country under a virus emergency,
doubts persist about the viability of the Games.

The first Olympic test event of the year has already been postponed because
of Japan’s current strict virus entry rules, and Tokyo has yet to approve a
single vaccine.

The first vaccine approval is expected over the weekend, with thousands of
medical workers first in line to be inoculated, likely by the end of

But the broader rollout will move slowly, with vaccination of the elderly
not set to start until April.