BSS-22 HC to hear opinions of 6 amici curiae on writ against Al Jazeera





HC to hear opinions of 6 amici curiae on writ against Al Jazeera

DHAKA, Feb 10, 2021 (BSS) – The High Court (HC) today appointed six amici curiae (friends of court) to hear their opinions on the matter of a writ petition that sought its directive to ban broadcast of Al Jazeera, a Qatar based news channel, in the country.

A High Court division virtual bench of Justice Md Mozibur Rahman Miah and Justice Md Kamrul Hossain Mollah passed the order after holding primary hearing on the matter.

The amici curiae are senior lawyers AJ Mohammad Ali, Kamal Ul Alam, Abdul Matin Khasru, Fida M Kamal, Prabir Niyogi and Dr Shahdin Malik.

Supreme Court lawyer Md Enamul Kabir Emon filed the writ on February 8. In the petition, the petitioner pleaded for High Court’s directive on the authorities concerned to ban broadcast of Al Jazeera in the country and also court’s order to remove the contents of Al Jazeera’s report titled “All the Prime Minister’s Men” from all social media, including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

Officials concerned including Post and Telecommunications Secretary, Information Secretary, Home Secretary, BTRC Chairman and Inspector General of Police were made respondents in the writ.

The court during today’s hearing said in spite of having specific law and authorities, how the clippings of that report are still there on social networking sites after 10 days of the first broadcasting.

“By now, millions of people have witnessed the report from home and abroad. If BTRC cannot take any step, why they are sitting there,” the court observed.

Deputy Attorney General Nawroj Md Russel said, “Al Jazeera can broadcast more episodes on that issue in the future. BTRC should take step now. They have already showed failure in this regard.”

Al Jazeera broadcasted the report on February 1. The government dismissed the report, calling it “false and defamatory” and a desperate “smear campaign” instigated by extremists and their allies, working in London and elsewhere.