BSS-10 Juvenile gang member held over killing teenager in Savar





Juvenile gang member held over killing teenager in Savar

SAVAR, Feb 7, 2021 (BSS) – A juvenile gang member was arrested from his relative’s residence in Dhamrail here early today for allegedly stabbing a college student to death last evening over a trivial dispute, police said.

Savar Model Thana Officer-in-Charge (OC-Investigation) Md Saiful Islam said that Hridoy, 17, has been taken into police custody.

Police is looking for other miscreants involved in the incident, he added.

Earlier, a 17 year old was killed by juvenile gang members in Bank Colony mohalla of Municipal area here yesterday.

The victim was identified as Rohanur Rahman Rohan, son of Sobahan Miah of Ulail Mahalla. He recently got admitted to Savar Government School after passing SSC examination this year.

AFM Sayed, OC of Savar Model Police Station told BSS that, “Rohan was chatting with his friends in front of Bank Colony Laboratory School at around 6:30pm on Saturday. Suddenly the teenager gang members came with sharp weapons, stabbed him in the chest multiple times and fled away.”

Rohan was sent to Savar Enam Medical College in critical condition where the duty doctors declared him dead. Later, his body was sent to Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College for autopsy.

Police visited the spot after receiving the news.

A murder case was filed in this regard, said the police official.

According to family sources, earlier this year, Rohan was locked into an argument over a petty matter with Hridoy, an active member of a juvenile gang of the area.

BSS/CORR/RQ/GMR/1417 hrs