

Turning to local government polls, Quader said the party will take actions against those who will be rebel candidates against party-nominated contestants in local polls.

Actions will also be taken against those who will patronize or incite the rebel candidates, he added.

The AL general secretary said BNP leaders are spreading ‘shameless’ falsehood over the results of Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) polls.

If BNP creates election atmosphere without making evil attempts to make the polls questionable, there could be a possibility for that party to become an opponent of AL, he said.

Joining the polls nominally, Quader said, BNP resorted to the path of terrorism to spoil the peaceful election atmosphere.

About BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir’s allegation of kicking out BNP’s agent from polling centers, Quader said where there was no agent of BNP in polling centers, the allegation of kicking out their agent is absurd and baseless.

As a leader of a registered political party of the Election Commission (EC), Mirza Fakhrul’s irresponsible comments over the EC are devoid of decorum.

Earlier, AL women affairs sub-committee leaders paid homage to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing wreath at his portrait at Dhanmondi road number 32 here.

BSS/BKD/MKD/GA/1617 hrs