BSS-12 NRBC Bank holds Annual Business Conference-2021





NRBC Bank holds Annual Business Conference-2021

DHAKA, Jan 23, 2021 (BSS) – The three-day Annual Business Conference-2021 of NRB Commercial (NRBC) Bank was held in Cox’s Bazar from January 21 to January 23.

The theme of the conference was “Building the Market Share through Innovation and Experience”.

Chairman of the Bank, SM Parvez Tamal graced the occasion as the chief guest while other members of Board of Directors attended the business conference, said a press release.

Managing Director and CEO Md. Mukhter Hossain presided over the conference while head of the divisions and head of the branches attended the program. The rest of the participants were virtually connected to the conference.

NRBC Chairman Parvez Tamal expressed his firm conviction to fight and survive the COVID-19 battle financially in this challenging year of 2021.

He said the bank has already been termed as “Humanitarian Bank” for rendering medical services and protection equipments to the mass people of the country.

“Becoming the bank of mass people is our ultimate goal. We’ve given our preference to retail, CMSME and micro-credit mainly. Our IPO subscription will start from February 3, 2021,” he added.

The Chairman and the Managing Director & CEO encouraged the officials and branch managers to be committed to achieve the targets for the current year.

According to report that was presented in the conference, NRBC Bank registered deposits of Taka 9,480 crore in 2020. Its total loans and advances amounted to Taka 7,462 crore in the same year.

NRBC Bank was established on February 20, 2013 and stared operating on April 2 the same year. The bank has 83 branches and 400 Sub-branches, including BRTA, Sub-Registrations service points across the country.

BSS/PR/GM/GA 1615 hrs