BFF-20 New Zealand announces new public housing plan





New Zealand announces new public housing plan

WELLINGTON, Jan. 21, 2021 (BSS/Xinhua) – The New Zealand government on Thursday released its Public Housing Plan 2021-2024 which outlines the intention of where 8,000 additional public and transitional housing places announced in Budget 2020 will go.

The extra 8,000 homes, which includes 6,000 public housing places and 2,000 transitional housing places, reinforces the government’s investment in public housing, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said in a statement.

“The plan confirms we are on track to deliver over 18,000 extra places by 2024,” Ardern said.

“This is not only delivering more warm, dry public housing for those most vulnerable to housing shortages, but also boosts economic activity, jobs in the building sector, employment and apprenticeship opportunities for young people,” she said.

Housing Minister Megan Woods said the need for public housing for the most vulnerable members of the communities continues to grow.

“As this plan outlines, we will focus on building more public and transitional housing in New Zealand’s regions where population growth has significantly exceeded housing, leading to rent rises, housing shortages and deprivation,” Woods said.

BSS/Xinhua/MSY/0952 hrs