Israel records four S. African Covid-19 variant cases


JERUSALEM, Jan 10, 2021 (BSS/AFP) – Israel’s health ministry said Saturday
four people had tested positive for the novel coronavirus strain first
detected in South Africa, with the new British variant already recorded.

The cases were discovered after testing of travellers arriving from South

The two new strains are more infectious than previous variants of the

Amid surging cases, Israel last month reimposed a national lockdown. On
Friday it tightened restrictions further as the daily caseload remained high.

Israel has launched a nationwide vaccination programme and more than 70
percent of Israelis over the age of 60 have received a first dose, with 1.7
million jabs administered, according to the health ministry.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was given his second jab on
Saturday, said in a brief statement on Israeli television that all Israelis
could be vaccinated within two months and “no later than the end of March”.

Netanyahu announced Thursday that he had signed a deal for enough doses of
the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for all Israelis over 16 to be innoculated.

Israel, with a population of nine million, has recorded over 3,600 deaths
from the Covid-19 illness.