BFF-35 Iran says 20pc uranium enrichment process started





Iran says 20pc uranium enrichment process started

TEHRAN, Jan 4, 2021 (BSS/AFP) – Iran has started the process to enrich
uranium to 20 percent purity at its Fordow facility, state media reported
Monday, going well beyond the threshold set by the 2015 nuclear deal.

“The process for producing 20 percent enriched uranium has started at
Shahid Alimohammadi enrichment complex (Fordow),” government spokesman Ali
Rabiei said, quoted on the website of the state broadcaster.

According to the official, President Hassan Rouhani ordered the enrichment
“in recent days”, and “the gas injection process started as of hours ago.”

The move follows a bill passed last month by the conservative-dominated
parliament “for the lifting of sanctions and protection of the Iranian
people’s interests” and mandating Rouhani’s government to “produce and store
120 kilogrammes (265 pounds) per year of uranium enriched to 20 percent”.

The law also calls on the administration to end UN inspections of Iran’s
nuclear facilities, if the remaining parties to the deal — Britain, China,
France, Germany and Russia — do not facilitate Iran’s oil sales and
guarantee the return of the proceeds.

Before the bill became law, Rouhani slammed it as “detrimental to the
course of diplomatic activities.”

But the Guardian council, which arbitrates disputes between the parliament
and the government, approved the bill into law last month.

Iranian officials, including foreign minister Javad Zarif, had said the
government will comply with the parliament’s decision.

Quoted by the government’s website, Rabiei said that the administration’s
stance towards the law is clear, “but the government considers itself bound
to carry out the law.”

The government has signalled a readiness to engage with US President-elect
Joe Biden after four tense years under Trump, who reimposed and reinforced
crippling sanctions on Tehran after withdrawing the US from the nuclear

BSS/AFP/SSS/1811 hrs