BSS-10 BNP is flag-bearer of destructive politics: Quader





BNP is flag-bearer of destructive politics: Quader

DHAKA, Dec 31, 2020 (BSS) – Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader today said BNP is the flag-bearer of destructive politics in the country.

“Those who didn’t want the independence of the country are now wanting the destruction of the country,” he told a press conference on contemporary issues at his official residence on parliament premises here.

Quader said those who had brought independence for the country are now working relentlessly for building the nation as a prosperous one.

He said BNP’s negative politics is the key barrier on the road to flourishing of democracy.

About the remarks of BNP leaders that the government is destroying democracy and economy, Quader said BNP earlier could see nothing but negativity and now they can see only destruction.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh is now marching ahead on the highway of development, he said, adding that the country is not witnessing any destruction rather it is witnessing massive efforts to build a creative nation.

The minister said BNP carries out their evil efforts to push the country backward with their Pakistani ideology and that is why they could not see any achievement and development of the country.

BNP is always suffering from jealousy witnessing the massive development under the incumbent AL government, he added.