BSS-25 Polythene worth Tk 6.2-lakh seized, factory owner fined in capital





Polythene worth Tk 6.2-lakh seized, factory owner fined in capital

DHAKA, Dec 28, 2020 (BSS) – Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has seized illegal polythene worth Tk 6.2 lakh from a factory conducting a drive in capital’s Kamrangirchar area.

Later, a mobile court of the elite force fined the factory owner Tk 2 lakh for producing and marketing banned polythene shopping bags, in default, sentencing him to two months imprisonment.

RAB-2 ASP (Media) Md Abdullah Al Mamun confirmed the matter to BSS today.

He said an operation was carried out in the Kamrangichar police station area of the capital at around 3:30 pm on Sunday at the initiative of RAB-2.

During the drive, about four tons of illegal banned polythene worth 6.20 lakh taka was seized from a factory named ‘Runa Plastic’, he said.

At that time, RAB executive magistrate Palash Kumar Basu conducted a mobile court at the factory and fined its owner Mohammad Farooq Hossain for producing and marketing illegal polythene shopping bags banned by the government.

Also, members of RAB-2 seized polythene granules and its other raw materials along with the polythene shopping bags from another factory of Farooq Hossain.

After the operation ended in the evening, the seized goods were handed over to the representatives of the Department of Environment, said the RAB official.

Additional Superintendent of Police Mozammel Haque of RAB-2 and officials of the Environment Department were present during the operation.

Such drives will continue in the future , said the official

BSS/CORR/RQ/GMR/1700 hrs