BFF-29 China’s factory-gate prices rise in June





China’s factory-gate prices rise in June

BEIJING, July 10, 2018 (BSS/AFP) – China’s factory price inflation rose in
June, the government said Tuesday, as a trade war threatens producers in both
of the world’s top two economies.

The producer price index (PPI) rose 4.7 percent year-on-year, according to
the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), a notch above the 4.5-percent gain
forecast in a Bloomberg News survey.

The consumer price index (CPI), a main gauge of retail inflation, rose 1.9
percent last month on-year, up from 1.8 percent in May and in line with
Bloomberg’s forecast.

There are fears that the trade war with the US could stoke inflation, with
tariffs making imported goods more expensive in China.

American soybeans are used for cooking oil and animal feed in China, and
soybean traders say that in the fourth quarter, when soybean production tails
off in Brazil — the only other major exporter — China may have no choice
but to import more costly US soybeans.

Beijing late Monday encouraged companies to diversify away from the US.

Companies should “adjust their import structure, increase the import of
soybeans, soybean meal and other agricultural products, as well as aquatic
products and automobiles from other countries and regions,” the commerce
ministry said in a statement.

Analysts worry that if substitutes are not found, the price hikes will
translate into higher prices for pork and other food at the dinner table for
Chinese families.

Last month, the price of pork rose 1.1 percent after falling this spring,
but food prices more generally fell 0.8 percent.

BSS/AFP/MSY/1021 hrs