BSS-15 BNP patronizes Bangabandhu’s sculpture vandalism: Quader





BNP patronizes Bangabandhu’s sculpture vandalism: Quader

DHAKA, Dec 11, 2020 (BSS) – Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader today said the extreme communal forces committed the unpardonable offence like vandalism of Bangabandhu’s sculpture under the patronization of BNP.

“BNP in one hand patronizes anti-Liberation and extreme communal forces, on the other hand, it always talks about democracy. Extremism had mounted up in the country under the patronization of BNP,” he said.

Quader was addressing a coronavirus (Covid-19) protective equipment distribution ceremony arranged by AL’s relief and social welfare sub-committee at the party president’s Dhanmondi political office here. He joined it virtually from his official residence on parliament premises.

About BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir’s allegation that extremism rises due to lack of democratic practices, the AL general secretary questioned who created the militants — ‘Bangla Bhai’ and ‘Shaykh Abdur Rahman’– when the country-wide series bombings took place and when coordinated bomb attacks were launched on four cinemas halls –Alaka, Chayabani, Purobi and Ajanta – in Mymensingh.

“BNP always talks about democracy. They claimed democracy existed during their government’s term. Then, how did the extremism mount up?” he questioned.

Quader said BNP created extremism and supported and nurtured militants to sustain in power and wipe out the spirit of Liberation War from the country.

MORE/BKD/MKD/GA/1555 hrs