BNP is trying to use religion to assume power: Quader

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DHAKA, Dec 9, 2020 (BSS) – Awmai League General Secretary Obaidul Quader today said BNP is trying to use religion to assume power.

“Being blind for power, BNP tried to use religion to gain political interest in the past and still it is doing the same,” he told an online conference on contemporary affairs from his official residence here.

Quader, also the road transport and bridges minister, said BNP is now patronising religious extremism but, for sure, one day the party will be hit hard by it.

He said it was learnt from media that BNP was unwilling to speak about sculpture issue.

“When the fundamental forces throw any challenge about the country’s liberation war and its spirit, tradition and culture, BNP does not want to speak about it publicly,” the AL general secretary said.

By not speaking, BNP indirectly has made its anti-liberation stance clear, he added.

Mentioning that BNP does not want the sculpture of Bangabandhu to be built in the country, Quader said the killers of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were rewarded by BNP.

He said as the BNP is openly or secretly supporting the activities of the extremist communal groups, its secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir does not tell a single word against extremists.

The road transport and bridges minister said the country’s politics is now divided int0 two parts – the politics of development and progress, and the politics of halting the pace of development.

When, under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, efforts continue to build a science-minded generation with the spirit of liberation war, a vested quarter is trying to destabilise the country aiming to push it backward, he said.

Quader said the BNP is the patron of a political bloc, which is against the spirit of the liberation war.

The BNP’s colourless politics over the sculpture issue has now become very clear to the nation, he said, issuing a warning that any plot against the nation would be resisted.