Vast region of U.S. state of California to enter new stay-at-home order amid COVID-19 surge


LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5, 2020 (BSS/Xinhua) – The vast region of the U.S.
California state will enter a new stay-at-home order on Sunday night, as its
many parts have hit the 15 percent or lower threshold for intensive care unit
(ICU) capacity amid COVID-19 surge, local health authorities said Saturday.

Based on the latest ICU data, the 11-county Southern California region
which includes Los Angeles County, and the San Joaquin Valley region in
Central California, have dropped below 15 percent ICU capacity, said the
California Department of Public Health in a statement.

It noted that the regional stay-at-home order will take effect in those
two regions at 11:59 p.m. Sunday local time (0759GMT) and will remain in
effect for at least three weeks.

The Southern California region’s ICU capacity has dropped to 12.5 percent
as of Saturday, while the available ICU capacity in the San Joaquin Valley
region was reported at 8.6 percent on the same day.

The two regions are home to around 33 million people in the most populous
state in the United States, representing 84 percent of the state’s
population, the Los Angeles Times reported.

The other three regions in California, including the Bay Area, Greater
Sacramento Region and Northern California region, are also on the brink of
new lockdown with ICU capacity hitting 21.7 percent, 21.4 percent and 24.1
percent, respectively.

In response to the recent rapidly increasing number of new cases and
hospitalizations from the virus, California Governor Gavin Newsom on Thursday
announced plans for the regional stay-at-home order to contain the pandemic
based on hospital capacity, which is designed to be triggered when fewer than
15 percent of beds are available in ICU for a region.

The new order will close a wide range of businesses and activities,
including bars, breweries, distilleries, wineries, hair salons and
barbershops, and personal care services.

In addition, a number of sectors in these regions, including restaurants,
retail and shopping centers, as well as hotels and lodging, will have
additional modifications in addition to 100 percent masking and physical