BSS-06 Country fights dual battle against undernutrition and COVID-19





Country fights dual battle against undernutrition and COVID-19

DHAKA, Dec 02, 2020 (BSS)- In normal times, Bangladesh’s million plus workers and below poverty-level people fight against undernutrition. Today, these people have joined another war-the battle against coronavirus.

Thirty-four-year-old Taher Mia, a rickshaw puller, is not an exception. Covid-19 has been the worst time of his life. He has seen many struggles but this one by far has been the worst one. Before the coronavirus pandemic he tried to feed his family members specially two children with nutritious food. He was happy more or less with his family though his income was meagre.

But, he fell into a deep crisis when the government declared lockdown from March 26 last for COVID 19 situation. His had to stop working totally, leaving him without any income. During the lockdown he could not give adequate food to his children. For this, his two children lost their weight about three to four kilograms. Besides, they (children) fell sick repeatedly.

Taher said, “We got some assistance from the government. For this, I would like to give thanks to the Prime Minister for her assistance. Otherwise, it was not possible to run my family.”

Taher’s children are not alone, it is a real fear for millions undernourished children in the country. While malnutrition has always remained a silent killer in the country and a major health issue, it has become more pronounced during the coronavirus outbreak this year.

This pandemic with invisible virus has compounded the nutrition vulnerability specifically among children.

An international research shows that country’s one-third children’s physical growth is being hampered due to malnutrition, saying global COVID-19 infection has intensified it (the problem) by rising poverty.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) advisor Professor Mizanul Haq Kazal said the COVID-19 has affected the income of country’s 95 percent families and the reduction of earning has created a threat to the nutrition intake of the growing children.

Based on the research conducted by the largest non-government organization BRAC with the technical support from the FAO, he said 51 percent family’s incomes have reduced to near zero percent while 3 percent families have no food, 16 percent families have a stock of 1 to 3 days food and 22 percent have a food bulk for 30 days or more.

Under the situation, the research findings, however, suggested for intensified social protection programme by the government to tackle the situation.

National Nutrition Expert Wazia Khatun said there is a lack of awareness among the common people on selecting the balanced food. Although the rate of undernourished population is declining due to the economic development of the country, but the number of malnourished children in the country is still higher, she added.

Terming the social protection as one of the pillars of 2nd country investment plan on nutrition sensitive food system, he said food adequacy, its availability and proper utilization are necessary for maintaining food security.