BSS-29 Three-day ‘Digital World-2020’ begins on Dec 9





Three-day ‘Digital World-2020’ begins on Dec 9

DHAKA, Nov 29, 2020 (BSS) – The country’s largest Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Expo “Digital World 2020” (DW20) is going to be inaugurated on December 9 under the auspices of ICT Division, Bangladesh.

The 7th edition of ‘Digital World 2020’ is going to be held from December 9 to December 11 with the theme – ‘Socially Distanced, Digitally Connected’, State Minister for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Zunaid Ahmed Palak said at a press conference at the BCC Auditorium at ICT Tower in city’s Agargaon area today.

The state minister added that President M Abdul Hamid will inaugurate the event on December 9 at 11 am on a virtual platform.

A ministerial conference will be held on December 10 with the participation of ministers from different countries in this regard.

Prime Minister’s Information and Communication Technology Affairs Adviser Sajeeb Wazed Joy will deliver the keynote speech at the conference.

The theme of the conference is ‘Embracing Digital Technologies in the New Normal’.

A total of 24 thematic or subject-wise seminars will be organized in this fair.

One of the highlights of the 3rd day (December 11) will be a special seminar on ‘Inclusive Development’ to be attended by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s daughter Saima Wazed Hossain who is also a member of the World Health Organization(WTO)’s 25-member Expert Advisory Panel on mental health and chairperson of the Bangladesh National Advisory Committee for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

Prime Minister’s Private Industry and. Investment Adviser and Dhaka-1, MP, Salman Fazlur Rahman will be present at the closing ceremony on December 11 as the chief guest.

In the digital world, there will be also a virtual Mujib Corner on the occasion of the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

To participate in Digital World, one needs to register by visiting the website (

After registration, the person needs to download the App to see the virtual digital world.

When the app is live, a message will be sent to the registered visitors.

Once the app is downloaded, you will be able to visit the Digital World 2020 exhibition and participate in seminars and concerts.

Speaking as the chief guest at the press conference, Palak said the purpose of this digital world is to present a picture of the potential of the ICT sector in Bangladesh.

He said the number of Internet users in the country now stands at more than 11 crore as a result of the present government’s efforts to build the infrastructure of Digital Bangladesh and timely steps taken in the last 11 years under the leadership of the Prime Minister and overall supervision of Sajeeb Wazed Joy.

More than 10 lakh jobs have been created in the IT and ICT sectors, he said, adding that entrepreneurs and freelancers are being able to do business in different countries of the world by using the power of technology in Bangladesh.

Palak called upon all concerned to work together for building a knowledge-based and technology-based ‘Digital Bangladesh’.

Later, the state minister unveiled the logo, website and registration portal of ‘Digital World 2020’.

Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) Executive Director Parthapratim Deb and Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) President Syed Almas Kabir also addressed the press conference.