BSS-20 SC upholds death for husband, 2 others for murdering pregnant wife





SC upholds death for husband, 2 others for murdering pregnant wife

DHAKA, Nov 17, 2020 (BSS) – The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court (SC) today upheld death for three people in case lodged over the murder of a pregnant woman in Jahangirnagar University campus in 2000.

The three-death-row-convicts are victim Nasima Akter’s husband Syed Abdullah Al Masud alias Tipu, his friends Shahidul Islam and Md Khorshed.

A three-member apex court bench headed by Chief Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain passed the order, dismissing appeals filed by the convicts, challenging High Court judgement, which had also upheld their death sentences initially pronounced by a lower court.

The three convicts are now in condemned cells in jail.

According to the case documents, Tipu took his then seven-month pregnant wife Nasima to Jahangirnagar University campus on September 27, 2000, along with two of his friends. They took her behind Mawlana Bhashani Hall and stabbed her to death. The three killers even separated Nasima’s head from her body and dumped her into a ditch.

A lower court concerned in 2007 sentenced the three to death and the High Court after holding hearing on jail appeals and their death reference, upheld the judgement in 2012.

BSS/ASG/DA-MHR/FI/ 1624 hrs