‘Police Cyber Support for Women’ unit inaugurated


DHAKA, Nov 16, 2020 (BSS) – Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed today inaugurated the ‘Police Cyber Support for Women’ unit at Rajarbagh Police Lines auditorium.

“So far 6,000 cases have been filed in connection with cybercrimes. Among them, most of the victims are women,” he said adding that 68 percent victims of cybercrimes in Bangladesh are women.

The unit has been launched for helping women to create safe cyberspace for them and provide technical and legal support to them and build awareness among the people against cybercrimes, said Benazir.

Now victim women can file complaints to the unit. Their problems will be solved without disclosing their identity, said a press release.

Being asked by reporters whether the victim women who will complain in the unit, need to file cases or go to the court, the IGP said that they will be provided services as per law. If they need to file cases, they will be advised.

The unit has been introduced under Lawful Interception Cell (LIC) of Police Headquarters.