BSS-29 181 more test positive for COVID-19 in Ctg





181 more test positive for COVID-19 in Ctg

CHATTOGRAM, Nov 16, 2020 (BSS) – A total of 181 people were tested positive for coronavirus in the last 24 hours after testing 1,056 samples at eight COVID-19 laboratories in the district.

Among the newly detected patients, 169 are from Chattogram city and 12 from different upazilas of the district, hospital sources said.

The total number of infected patients now stands at 22,726 in the district, Dr Sheikh Fazle Rabbi, civil surgeon of Chattogram, told BSS today.

Of the total infected people, 17,008 are the residents of the port city and the rest 5,718 are the inhabitants of different upazilas of the district

The total number of recovered patients from coronavirus rose to 17,439 with the healing of 79 more people in the last 24 hours.

Besides, 1,267 are undergoing treatment at isolation units of different hospitals in the port city, the health official added.

BSS/MAM/KS/SSS/1746 hrs