BSS-27 Mobile court to operate in capital to ensure use of masks





Mobile court to operate in capital to ensure use of masks

DHAKA, Nov 16, 2020 (BSS) – Cabinet Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam today said tougher stance would be taken alongside conducting mobile court operations in the capital to make sure the use of facemasks in the wake of the fresh surge of the Covid-19.

“We have to go for stronger measures regarding the Covid-19 as it might have shown rising trend. On Sunday, an order has been given to take more pre-cautionary steps to this end,” he told a news briefing following a regular weekly cabinet meeting at the Bangladesh Secretariat here.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina chaired the meeting joining it through a videoconferencing from her official Ganabhaban residence while her cabinet colleagues attended the meeting from the Cabinet Division at the secretariat.

Anwarul added that they have already directed the concerned authority to conduct mobile court operations in different parts of the capital or take tougher stance to purse the government order regarding mandatory use of face masks.

Replying to a query, he said, “The mobile court operations will be in place in Dhaka in two or three days.”

The government has made mandatory the use of face masks at the end of July.

But people are largely ignoring the order on various pleas. To make sure the use of masks, mobile court operations are being conducted at different districts outside the capital following the order.