BFF-23 Trump election loss robs Taiwan of a powerful, belligerent friend





Trump election loss robs Taiwan of a powerful, belligerent friend

TAIPEI, Nov 12, 2020 (BSS/AFP) – Donald Trump’s departure from the White
House will leave many US allies breathing easier, but his fiery anti-China
rhetoric will be missed by many in Taiwan.

Over the last four years, Trump’s unpredictability and often
confrontational attitude towards China over trade, the coronavirus and Hong
Kong have earned him fans in self-ruled Taiwan, which has spent decades under
threat of invasion from its authoritarian neighbour.

That danger has ramped up since the 2016 election of Tsai Ing-wen, who
views Taiwan as a sovereign nation, not part of “one China”.

Her stance infuriates Beijing, which is now buzzing the island with an
unprecedented number of fighter jets and surveillance aircraft.

A Joe Biden presidency promises a return to the kind of liberal
internationalism that has been the mark of US foreign policy for decades —
which some in Taiwan worry will mean going soft on China.

“I am disappointed that finally there was a president of a big country who
strongly supports Taiwan, like Trump, but he lost the election,” said Shanna
Lee, a 24-year-old office worker in Taipei.

“No other world leader dares to scold China and speak up for Taiwan as
Trump does.”

Relations between Washington and Taipei warmed dramatically under the
Republican, beginning soon after the votes were counted.

As president-elect in 2016 he received a call from Tsai to congratulate
him on his win.

The call — of the kind routinely carried out by heads of government —
infuriated Beijing, which rails at anything that appears to confer legitimacy
on Taiwan as a sovereign state.

Over the next few years, Trump approved $18 billion of military sales to
the island, including Harpoon anti-ship missiles and MQ-9 Reaper drones.

And in August, he dispatched the highest ranking US official to visit
Taiwan since Washington recognised the communist government of China in 1979.

Ahead of the US election, a YouGov poll of 12 Asian countries and
territories, found that only in Taiwan did a majority of respondents say they
wanted Trump to win.

The sense in Taipei has been that Trump has raised the island’s profile at
a time when Beijing continues to pick off its few remaining diplomatic
allies, and to block Taiwan from bodies like the World Health Organization.

– ‘Pandora’s Box’ –

On social issues like gay rights, the progressive Tsai has much in common
with the Democratic Party, and she was swift to congratulate Biden on

But while the president elect said on the campaign trail he would expand
ties with Taiwan, analysts say the international round of fence-mending that
will likely define the early days of his presidency may see Washington dial
back on China.

The odds of another congratulatory phone call between Tsai and Biden “are
relatively low,” said Sung Wen-ti, a lecturer in Taiwan studies at the
Australian National University.

The biggest concern for Taipei is that a Biden administration will distance
itself from Taiwan to “secure Chinese cooperation on things like climate
change and nuclear proliferation,” Michael Mazza, visiting fellow at the
American Enterprise Institute, told AFP.

But others say there has been something of a bipartisan realignment when
it comes to Taiwan and China, and that the days of Washington treading softly
around Beijing may be over.

“Trump has already opened the Pandora’s box,” said Su Tzu-yun, analyst at
the Institute for National Defense and Security Research in Taipei.

“The US has defined China as a major challenge in Asia and urged allies to
work together to contain China… Biden has even called Chinese President Xi
Jinping a thug.

“The US policy of containing China will not change.”
