BFF-37 Czechs open schools for youngest kids in first easing





Czechs open schools for youngest kids in first easing

PRAGUE, Nov 11, 2020 (BSS/AFP) – The Czech government said Wednesday it
would reopen elementary schools for first and second graders next week as the
growth in the number of coronavirus infections has started to slow down.

“On November 18, the pupils of first and second grades will return to
schools,” Education Minister Robert Plaga told reporters.

This is the first easing of restrictions imposed in September and October
when the number of cases started to soar in the EU member of 10.7 million

The Czech Republic still fares the worst in the bloc in terms of new cases
and deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the European Centre for
Disease Prevention and Control.

But the daily growth in cases has started to slow to some 9,000 on Tuesday
from around 15,000 in most of the past weeks.

On Wednesday morning, the country registered some 430,000 confirmed cases
and over 5,300 deaths since the March outbreak.

Plaga said the returning children aged six to eight would have to wear
face masks all the time and called on schools to ensure regular ventilation.

He added schools for the handicapped would open as well.

The Czech Republic handled the coronavirus pandemic well in the spring but
it was slow to react to the second wave.

The government has closed most shops, all schools, restaurants and bars,
cinemas and theatres, restricted public gatherings and imposed an overnight
curfew to battle the disease.