

Quader said as the people are leading better life, their confidence in Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s leadership is getting stronger day by day.

“Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s goal is to ensure advanced life and living for people all over the country including grassroots,” he said.

About BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Fakhrul’s allegation that Quader only talks about BNP, the AL general secretary said: “I don’t talk against BNP rather I talk against BNP’s falsehood and evil politics.”

He said BNP has been suffering from jealous outlook witnessing the country’s progress and development.

So, they are not able to hear the talks of development by the AL leaders but only listen to the talks of their own party, he added.

He said BNP’s only task now is to beat the drums of falsehood against the government of Sheikh Hasina.

Turning to the construction of the Padma bridge, the minister said the 36th span of the bridge was installed today. Rest of the five spans out of a total of 41 will be installed by December next, he hoped.