BSS-21 Bangladesh has no problem, whoever takes Whitehouse: FM





Bangladesh has no problem, whoever takes Whitehouse: FM

DHAKA, Nov 04, 2020 (BSS) – Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen today said Bangladesh does not have any problem whoever – Donald Trump or Joe Biden – takes over the Whitehouse at the US President election as the US foreign policy doesn’t not depend on individual.

“Whoever comes to power, we’ve no problem,” Dr Momen told reporters at foreign ministry while he was approached to make comments on the US presidential election.

President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden are battling it out for the White House, with polls closed across the United States — and the American people waiting for results in key battlegrounds still up for grabs.

Saying that it is too early to say who will win the election, Dr Momen said Dhaka will work closely with the next US government on the trade and investment front. “We maintain neutrality. We don’t have enmity with any country. We have good relations (with the US),” he added.

The foreign minister said Bangladesh’s economy is doing very well and the country is geopolitically in a very good situation.

On Tuesday, Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen said outcomes of US election would not hurt the existing stable and up trending close Dhaka-Washington cooperation as the ties do not depend on any US individual president or party.

“US’s relationship does not depend on individual or party … such (Bangladesh-US) relationship goes through an institutional framework,” he said.

The foreign secretary said Bangladesh is hopeful about continuing the existing economic ties with the United States and put its efforts to restore trade preferences in the US market that remained suspended.

US Deputy Secretary of State Stephen E Biegun recently paid a three-day Dhaka tour after New Delhi when he indicated that his country treats Bangladesh as a “centerpiece” in South Asia.

During the visit, Masud said all the discussions were taken place in line with the US Department of State’s policy without focusing any US political parties’ point of view.

After the visit, Biegun said they have an intervening election that will happen but he reiterates his confidence that regardless of the outcome of their elections, the future is quite bright for relations between the United States and Bangladesh and India.