BSS-05 Govt warns on fake job circular by Grameen Service Bangladesh Ltd





Govt warns on fake job circular by Grameen Service Bangladesh Ltd

DHAKA, Nov 4, 2020 (BSS) – The Ministry of Liberation War Affairs has cautioned the people over a fake job circular published by a private organization claiming government authorization which is completely false and motivated.

“A private entity naming ‘Grameen Service Bangladesh Limited’ has published a false and fabricated job advertisement duplicating signature of the concerned ministry’s secretary”, according to a release confirmed by the ministry.

The ministry has urged the people not to be confused with the fake and deceitful advertisement as a private organization is misleading the people with the fake job recruitment advertisement.

In the advertisement, the Grameen Service Bangladesh Limited has claimed that the ministry of liberation war affairs has approved them to recruit two supervisors and a security guard with the freedom fighters candidates from union to district level posts, said the release, adding that “the advertisement is really fake and self-motivated”.

“The ministry never gave such approval to any private organization, saying that a group of dishonest people are allegedly carrying out such type of publicity for seeking money through motivating the common people”, the release detailed.

The matter already has drawn the attention of the ministry and legal steps are being taken by the ministry against the organization[Grameen Service Bangladesh Limited].

BSS/PR/OG/QC/1320 hrs