BSS-26 Khulna mayor Khaleque escapes road mishap





Khulna mayor Khaleque escapes road mishap

KHULNA, Nov 02, 2020 (BSS) – Khulna City Mayor Talukder Abdul Khaleque today narrowly escaped unhurt when an engine run three wheeler hit his Pajero Jeep from behind at Sukdara area on Khulna-Mongla highway.

His body guard and three other staff also unhurt but the Jeep was partially damaged in the road mishap.

Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Katakhali Highway Police Station Robiul Islam said, the accident took place around 10.45 am when a Rupsha bound engine run three wheeler, more known as ‘Korimon’, abruptly stopped in front of his vehicle that forced its (Pajero Jeep) driver to slack up the speed on the highway.

But at that time the mayor’s car was hit behind by another speedy three wheeler ‘Korimon’ but Khaledque and his associates remained uninjured , OC said, adding that the back part and looking glasses of the car were damaged.

The Karimon driver fled away from the scene leaving the damaged engine run three wheeler after the incident, OC said.

“I was going to Rampal in Bagerhat, to visit development works through the highway from Khulna city,” the mayor told BSS,

“I am unhurt and narrowly escaped from the accident,” Khaleque said.

Several time elected member of parliament from Rampal-Mongla constituency he was elected Mayor of Khulna City Corporation in 2018, after resigned from parliament .

BSS/ZH/SKB/1718 hrs